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Memory aims to create a medical device with the intention of making the life of dementia patients and their families easier and more convenient. Our project consists of a wearable device and an application connected to it. Our app interface allows for easy access of the patient's medical data alongside various other features specialised to help with each category of dementia.


Our app consists of three interfaces, namely for the patient, the doctor and the caretaker.

Interface Features
Patient This interface will offer features such as category based music therapy and will recommend mind development games for the patients to regularly practise.
Doctor This interface will be a personalised one just for the Doctor administering their patients. Using this interface the doctor will be able to monitor, update and study the medical history of patients in addition to features such as an alert system which will go off in cases such as sudden oxygen level drop, blood pressure drop etc in patients and accordingly the doctor can contact the caretaker.
Caretaker This interface uses the same login as the patient. The caretaker's interface provides a location tracker in case the patient happens to stray away from their defined radius of movement. The caretaker can utilize the notifying system and the tracking system to find the patient in the afromentioned case.


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